1·You can still use recording for basic structural code that you need for your scripts, but you will need to substitute your find-based getter methods for the mapped-control getters that are recorded.
您仍旧可以对您的脚本所需的基本结构代码进行记录,但您需要用基于 find 的 getter 方法来取代所记录的被映射控件的 getter 方法。
2·Blockchain technology in recording farmers' actions is widely used to avoid nonstandard pesticide use.
3·You use the same mechanism for recording events associated with creating, modifying, and deleting groups.
4·To use the recording feature, record a test activity and save it as a test script.
5·If you don't know how a GUI action is executed with a GUI object (like in this example), you can use the recording feature, and then refer to the generated program.
6·When you want to input data while you are testing, you can use the test data pool feature during recording.
7·Use of electronic recording systems will be considered where appropriate.
8·The individual recording the data can use this information to track work patterns, location, and so on.
9·The movie and recording industry, online music stores, and electronic book publishers all use their own specific DRM technology to control access to their data.
10·When you are recording video, it will use the secondary mic for the sound.